alligatorzine | zine
250 / William Allen The Largest Glue Factory in the World
249 / Adeena Karasick & Warren Lehrer This Page is an Occupied Territory
248 / Heller Levinson & Linda Lynch Crossfall
247 / Piera Oppezzo The Ways of Melanctha
246 / Norman MacAfee The Mortal Flame
245 / Norman MacAfee Afghanistan and the Effects of War on Men
244 / Annie Zadek Horoscope
243 / Annie Zadek Contemporaine. Un film parlé
242 / Auxeméry Ce portulan
241 / Anca Cristofovici A Peculiar Atlas
240 / Anne Tardos From Luminous Clusters
239 / Rachel Blau DuPlessis To Hannah Höch and to the Baroness: Collage-Homage
238 / John Olson Prose Poems
237 / Will Alexander Despicable Anomalies
236 / Heller Levinson & Linda Lynch Pronghorn Baffle
235 / Heller Levinson & Linda Lynch Turmoil
234 / Heller Levinson & Linda Lynch Barque
233 / Adeena Karasick Ouvert Oeuvre: Openings (chapter IV)
232 / Adeena Karasick Ouvert Oeuvre: Openings (chapter III)
231 / Adeena Karasick, Frank London & Igor Imhoff The Book of Lumenations: Eicha III
230 / Anthony Seidman Amphorae for Boris Dralyuk, Poet Translator
229 / Anthony Seidman Ferryboats Delayed: Eight Prose Poems
228 / Jorge Carlos Fonseca Pigs in Delirium
227 / Will Alexander New Work
226 / Heller Levinson Lurk
225 / Kurt Devrese 4 x 4 Letterings
224 / Jorge Eduardo Eielson eros / ions
223 / Ánuar Zúñiga Naime Four Poems
222 / Pierre Vinclair No Trane to Milan
221 / Isabelle Garron dernière levée
220 / Yves di Manno XIII façons de considérer la traduction
219 / Anne Calas Be nice
218 / Patrick Beurard-Valdoye Kariben
217 / Auxeméry dans le désormais
216 / Orchid Tierney For Viva
215 / Alvin Pang Five Poems
214 / Erín Moure Three Poems
213 / Andrés Ajens Cuatro poemas / Four Poems
212 / Rachel Blau DuPlessis Three Poems
211 / Lewis Warsh 5 Poems
210 / George Kalamaras Poems
209 / John Bradley Poems
208 / Maxine Chernoff +Zonal
207 / John Olson Prose Poems
206 / Adeena Karasick Aerotomania
205 / D.C. Wojciech Poems
204 / Sean Singer Three Poems
203 / Daniel Y. Harris The Misprision of Agon Hack
202 / Irene Koronas lithic cornea
201 / Heller Levinson Seep

200 / Anne Tardos GEGO
199 / Rae Armantrout Four New Poems
198 / Rae Armantrout Four Entanglements
197 / Michael Heller Three Poems
196 / Anne Tardos Ganymede
195 / David Shook Made in Granada
194 / Rachel Blau DuPlessis Angelus Novus
193 / John Olson Five Prose Poems
192 / Hannah Jakobsen Chant populaire
191 / Lesley Harrison Whaling [Rune Poems]
190 / Lesley Harrison Erasure Poems
189 / Eric Selland Four Stanzas from Object States
188 / Eric Selland A Life of Accident and Contingency: Selected Works
187 / Heller Levinson Mass in S Minor & Sonata in P
186 / Heller Levinson & Linda Lynch Karst
185 / Anthony Seidman Five More Poems
184 / Will Alexander Joyce Mansour: The Lottery of Explosion
183 / Elaine Equi Par la fenêtre d’un roman
182 / Elaine Equi Looking Out the Window in a Novel
181 / C.D. Wright Omtrent het waarom dat poëzie...
180 / Priscilla Long Guernica
179 / Rachel Blau DuPlessis Life in Handkerchiefs
178 / Anne Tardos Gentle Deer on 10th Avenue
177 / Anne Tardos It Changes
176 / C.D. Wright Januari, vragenlijst
175 / Ernesto Mejía Sánchez Incantations and Spells
174 / Anthony Seidman Five Recent Poems
173 / Eliot Weinberger Les dix premiers jours de Trump
172 / Eliot Weinberger Trump: de eerste tien dagen
171 / Heller Levinson & Linda Lynch Thorned Landscape
170 / Will Alexander Two Poems from Texas Blind Salamander Feelings
169 / John Olson Two Prose Poems
168 / Jacques Demarcq les calder
167 / Jacques Demarcq le rauschenberg
166 / William Allen Crossing Queensbridge
165 / Norman MacAfee The Song of the Earth
164 / Kurt Devrese & Heller Levinson Dots
162 / Michael Heller Five Poems
161 / Michael Heller Neuf poèmes
160 / Rachel Blau DuPlessis Churning the Ocean of Milk
159 / John Olson Five Prose Poems
158 / Will Alexander General Scatterings and Comment
157 / Maria Damon Poetics as a Theory of Everything, for Ira Livingston
156 / Maria Damon Chroma, for Derek Jarman
155 / Maria Damon Streetwalking Cheetah, for Natalie Schlossman
154 / Heller Levinson from Buffalo this Indian
152 / Jerome Rothenberg Een half rund
152 / Clayton Eshleman Sept poèmes
151 / Clayton Eshleman Five More Poems from PENETRALIA

150 / Heller Levinson & Linda Lynch Encroaching Velocity
149 / Rachel Blau DuPlessis Klad 111: Arte Povera
148 / Rachel Blau DuPlessis Bozza 111: Arte Povera
147 / Rachel Blau DuPlessis Brouillon 111: Arte Povera
146 / Rachel Blau DuPlessis Draft 111: Arte Povera
145 / Ron Padgett & George Schneeman Where am I?
144 / John Olson Extreme lectuur
143 / John Olson Five Prose Poems
142 / Clayton Eshleman North Tower Exploding
141 / Nathaniel Tarn La production poétique
140 / Nathaniel Tarn On Poetic Production
139 / Auxeméry PHAISTOS (English)
138 / Auxeméry PHAISTOS (French)
137 / Sandra Moussempès Cadre - la nuit - habitacle rouge
136 / Eliot Weinberger De stad (Een paar blokken)
135 / Eliot Weinberger La ville (Blocs épars)
134 / Eliot Weinberger The City (A few blocks)
133 / Michael McClure & Terry Riley Doorways
132 / Michael McClure Iets uit India
131 / Rachel Blau DuPlessis Draft 112: Verge
130 / Heller Levinson & Linda Lynch bowl arachnid spool thread // Large Empty Drawing
129 / Clayton Eshleman Five Poems from PENETRALIA
128 / Will Alexander The One True Body
127 / Jen Hofer Materiality: Mortality
126 / Anthony Seidman Simmering Spiders
125 / Jerome Rothenberg Twaalf lunaire meditaties
124 / Rachel Blau DuPlessis Collages
123 / Will Alexander General Scatterings and Comment
122 / Heller Levinson Fusion Reconnoiter
121 / Sandra Moussempès & Kristin Prevallet Récipient de métal vert
120 / Jerome Rothenberg Poems
119 / Jerome Rothenberg Poèmes
118 / Jerome Rothenberg Gedichten
117 / John Olson Five Prose Poems
116 / Henri Michaux Movements
115 / Jen Hofer daily news
114 / Pierre Joris Meditations on the Stations of Mansur Al-Hallaj
113 / Pierre Joris St/range: An uncertain range
112 / Pierre Joris Ét/range: une étendue incertaine
111 / Xi Chuan Four Poems
110 / Xi Chuan Answering Venus (45 Fragments)
109 / Auxeméry Mingus, méditations
108 / Sandra Moussempès Poèmes
107 / Sandra Moussempès Britney Spears ou l'effort de rendre l'autre fou
106 / Eliot Weinberger Les étoiles
105 / Jerome Rothenberg 25 GEMATRIA (French)
104 / Heller Levinson & Linda Lynch Lines
103 / Kurt Devrese Fives for AS/T
102 / Rachel Blau DuPlessis Brouillon 88: X-Citation
101 / Rachel Blau DuPlessis Brouillon 82: Charnière

100 / Jerome Rothenberg 25 GEMATRIA (Dutch)
99 / John Olson Five Prose Poems
98 / Michael Flomen & Alfonso D'Aquino Prefiguraciones / Ausencias
97 / Michael Flomen & Forrest Gander Flomen Series
96 / Eliot Weinberger De sterren
95 / Will Alexander Diary as Sin
94 / Will Alexander On Solar Physiology
93 / Will Alexander Mirach Speaks to his Grammatical Transparents
92 / Will Alexander Drawings
91 / Will Alexander Across the Vapour Gulf
90 / Robert Duncan 2 poèmes de Letters
89 / Erin Parsch & Jeffrey Yang The Mountain
88 / Andrew Joron Two Poems
87 / Chris Brown & Erika Dagnino And of shadow
86 / John Olson Five Prose Poems, And Some Canned Tomatoes
85 / John Olson Die avond toen ik Shakespeare op de kat liet vallen
84 / John Olson Deze andere wereld: een essay over artistieke autonomie
83 / Aimé Césaire Soleil cou coupé
82 / Aharon Shabtai Love & War, War & Love
81 / Lynne Cohen A Selection of Photographs
80 / Heller Levinson The Fecundating Plangency Rotational Cluster
79 / Mark Trayle Pumpkin Blossom
78 / Clayton Eshleman Inner Parliaments
77 / Heller Levinson Five Poems
76 / Kiwao Nomura Three Poems
75 / John Olson Five Prose Poems
74 / Clayton Eshleman Pollock Pouring
73 / Heller Levinson Excoriate Exhale: Routing Soutine
72 / Andrew Joron Unfall
71 / Rosmarie Waldrop Two Prose Poems
70 / Jean Daive Under the Dome: Walks with Paul Celan
69 / Clayton Eshleman Hashigakari
68 / Clayton Eshleman "Qu’est-ce qui est américain dans la poésie américaine?"
67 / Clayton Eshleman "Wat maakt Amerikaanse poëzie Amerikaans?"
66 / Heller Levinson Smelling Mary
65 / John Olson Tot het kookpunt, een essay over experimentele poëzie
64 / John Olson Six Prose Poems
63 / Clayton Eshleman Max Ernst During the Rain
62 / Clayton Eshleman The Tjurunga
61 / Eliot Weinberger Obama contre Clinton — récapitulation
60 / Eliot Weinberger Obama vs. Clinton: een terugblik
59 / Yoel Hoffmann Curriculum Vitae
58 / Peter Cole Notes on Bewilderment
57 / Li Ho Eleven Poems
56 / Forrest Gander Cri de coeur: Blake and Bush
55 / Bill Zavatsky For Marc Copland
54 / Valery Larbaud Six Poems
53 / Chris Tysh Céline, en garde à vue
52 / Chris Tysh Tristessa, à tracer autour
51 / Chris Tysh Sonia, quelque chose de liquide ou diaphane

50 / Rachel Blau DuPlessis Draft 83: Listings
49 / Rachel Blau DuPlessis Brouillon 72: Nanifeste
48 / Rachel Blau DuPlessis Brouillon XXX: Fosse
47 / Rachel Blau DuPlessis Brouillon 42: Epître, Studios
46/ Georges Schneeman & Ron Padgett Homage to Leopardi
45 / Eliot Weinberger Là où vivent les Kaluli / Waar de Kaluli leven
44 / Jacques Demarcq the stein, the joyce
43 / Jacques Demarcq the treecreeper, le grimpereau
42 / Jacques Demarcq le loriot, the oriole
41 / Robert Kelly Straw: K.246 “Lützow”
40 / Dan Borris Las Canchas
39 / Forrest Gander Las Canchas
38 / Forrest Gander De transparantie van een geloofwaardig bestaan
37 / Forrest Gander A One Man Civilization
36 / Clayton Eshleman Uit alle windstreken
35 / Clayton Eshleman A Translation Memoir
34 / César Vallejo Human Poems
33 / Angel Escobar Nine Poems
32 / Omar Cáceres Poems from Defense of the Idol
31 / Eliot Weinberger Sur le zócalo / Op de zócalo
30 / Clayton Eshleman A Question from Gerardo Deniz
29 / Clayton Eshleman Wind from All Compass Points
28 / Clayton Eshleman Unbuckled Tongue
27 / Clayton Eshleman The Beheading
26 / Jean-Paul Auxeméry Girations
25 / Jean-Paul Auxeméry X/Y
24 / Jean-Paul Auxeméry Brûlures
23 / Jean-Paul Auxeméry Volumen
22 / Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven Urewut
21 / Eliot Weinberger What I Heard About Iraq in 2005
20 / Alice Evermore & Patrick Merckaert Artificial Gravity
19 / Nathaniel Tarn At the Metropolitan, Third Byzantium
18 / Nathaniel Tarn Four Recent Poems
17 / Nathaniel Tarn Waterhole, Breasts, Root
16 / Eliot Weinberger Mohammed
15 / Alice Evermore visitation
14 / Alice Evermore morphic resonance
13 / Kurt Devrese Fives for Hisako
12 / Eliot Weinberger What I Heard About Iraq
11 / Gary Snyder Wat poëzie heeft bereikt in China
10 / Gary Snyder Tam of wild
9 / Cecilia Vicuña Bosque Purpura / Purple Forest
8 / Cecilia Vicuña Vijf Notities voor Exit Art
7 / Eliot Weinberger Republicans: A Prose Poem
6 / Jerome Rothenberg The Burning Babe
5 / Jerome Rothenberg The Case for Memory
4 / Jerome Rothenberg Altaarstukken
3 / Kurt Devrese Fives for Jerome
2 / Eliot Weinberger Feiten & vragen
1 / Eliot Weinberger A Few Facts & Questions | © alligator